Monday, October 1, 2007

Greetings from Jeff

Well, where does one begin to share inexpressible joy? Sometimes I often wonder how my life became so amazing and I remember almost immediately, Romans 11:36- "For from Him and to Him and through Him are all things..."
I hope that verse always remains in my mind, so that i may live and know that all Control rests in the sovereignty of God, and through trusting in Christ alone. I must openly confess to you who might read this that i am an inherently selfish and self-focused sinner. Please keep me in your prayers that i may serve Rachel as Christ serves His Church, always with Her best in mind, for the deeper love between Them.
I would also like to share a portion of a prayer written by Augustine, for the encouragement of all who may be reading this,

"Our hearts are restless until they find rest in Thee."

Please remember that. Attemplting to find rest or comfort in anyone or anything else will breed nothing but futility and pain.

In His Grace and for His Glory,

1 comment:

S+S Kline said...

Great post! Thanks for those words of encouragement! We are praying for you guys and love you very much!

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