Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Weekend in Hershey!

Hello everyone! Well, me and my parents and Sarah, Stephen and the absolutely adorable Adam all met in Hershey PA last weekend! It was so wonderful! We truly had the best time together and I'm so thankful for the wonderful family God has blessed me with! We were able to stay at a very nice little timeshare place that Stephen's parents gave to us to use (so nice of them!). Then we went hiking at this little park and went shopping at the outlets, grabbed some food here and there and just relaxed in the room. It was so much fun! Here are some pics of our time together. Hope you enjoy!

Adam being his cute smiley self!

Adam and mommy!!

The whole clan (minus mom who is taking the pic!)

Mom and Dad looking so cute!

Paul Washer - How do you know you are saved?

Piper Video - 6 Minute Gospel