Saturday, October 4, 2008


Oh my, I'm so sorry it's taken us so long to post on here! I didn't realize it was over a month! For the past month or so classes have certainly been a chore for both Jeff and I. I will be done with 2 of my classes in 1 1/2 weeks and Jeff is getting A's in all his classes as of Midterms! God has certainly blessed as we are so grateful for all He's done for us. I will keep trying to find a way to post the powerpoint from the wedding but here are the vows for those who wanted to see them:

I, Jeff:
Promise to completely trust in, cling to, and rely upon the grace of our God and Savior Jesus Christ in order to be to you, Rachel, your husband.
Promise by that same grace to make my primary goal in the remaining years of my life to always serve you and love you as Christ has loved and cherished His Church.
Promise to always sit at the feet of Jesus with you, as we both learn how to point the light which He has given us back towards Him as we live and interact with those around us.
Promise to always look upon you with eyes that will never tire from beholding the gift which God has bestowed to me, and to always enjoy the beauty which your presence and your sweetness adds to my life.
Promise to remember that you belong first and foremost to Jesus Christ, and that He has entrusted you to me until the great and glorious day when either you or I, or both of us, are at home with Him.

I, Rachel, have you Jeff as my best friend,
I promise to give you my fullest devotion and care, in the way that Christ has given it to me, no matter what. I promise to hold your hand prayerfully and stay right by your side through everything, the good and bad. I will share with you all my hopes and fears; joys and sorrows; trials and triumphs. I will respect you always and lend you strength and support for whatever our future holds. I will be there to wipe your tears, struggle with your pains and take on your joys and sorrows as my own. You will be my priority, more than any other earthly thing. I will walk not only with you but your life will be mine until that day the Lord takes us home. I joyously look forward to the commitment of spending the rest of my life with, beside and as one with you, my best friend.

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